Fighting For The Compensation You Deserve

Can I Recover Damages in a Hit and Run Accident

On Behalf of | Nov 3, 2013 | Firm News, News, Uncategorized

Many times someone will call to speak with our West Palm Beach personal injury attorney that was involved in a hit and run accident. Their first concern is how they are going to recover money that they have lost due to the nature of the accident. For example if they were injured and could not work for several weeks they would not have earned a paycheck. In other words they have been injured by a careless party and were unable to provide for their family due to the careless driving of someone else.

Being able to collect on this type of accident will depend on several factors. The first and most obvious is whether or not the police were able to find the driver that caused the accident. If that driver is found and charged with a hit and run accident my client would be able to go after that person and their insurance company. However if the police are unable to find the other driver, the injured party can file a claim against their own insurance company under the uninsured motorist portion of the policy, assuming of course that they carry that type of coverage on their policy. More times than not a person that has been injured in a West Palm Beach car accident does not fully understand what coverage their policy has, once again not to worry. Our West Palm Beach law firm looks at insurance declaration pages each and every day. We will be able to quickly tell you if you have coverage for a uninsured motorist claim and what actions you can and should take.

Our office offers a free initial consultation. During this time we will get to know more about you, your injuries, and what you hope to accomplish in terms of filing a lawsuit. Please bring all related documents to this meeting. The documents which are most relevant are the police report, your automobile insurance declaration pages, witness statements, and any other supporting documents that support or hurt your potential claim.
