Fighting For The Compensation You Deserve

An Injury Law Attorney Who Gets Results In Florida

When an accident leaves you with serious injuries, you may face significant financial strain during an already stressful time. A skilled lawyer can advocate for you at every stage of your recovery process.

At X1Law, P.A., personal injury attorney Patrick J. Tighe understands what is at stake for injured people. He also understands the vital support that injury claims can offer both injured people and their families. Using more than 20 years of legal experience, he has achieved victory for many clients in North Palm Beach, West Palm Beach and the surrounding area and helped them get the financial support they need.


Traumatic Brain Injury


Slip & Fall

6 level fusion.


Traumatic Brain Injury


Car Accident

Plaintiff driving his vehicle when he was rear ended by a large high end vehicle. Plaintiff took a conservative plan of care and eventually needed a 2 level lumbar fusion to correct traumatically induced herniated discs. The carrier refused to tender and suit was immediately filed then after numerous depositions and medical evaluations, Patrick J. Tighe convinced the carrier to protect its insured, the defendant and to spare him the possibility of an excess verdict and reached a settlement in excess of $600,000.00.


Motor Vehicle Accident

1 client with 2 car accidents three months apart, the same injuries.


Car Accident

Plaintiff was a passenger in the at fault vehicle. The driver is legally deaf and was facing the passenger attempting to read her lips to communicate when driver rear ended a commercial van in front of their car. Plaintiff took a conservative plan of care and eventually needed a 2 level lumbar fusion to correct traumatically induced herniated discs. The carrier refused to tender its inadequate bodily injury limits. Patrick J. Tighe convinced the carrier the errors of its ways and secured an excess settlement of $500,000.00 over the policy limits.


Car Accident

The client was rear ended on I4 in Orlando. The car that struck my client did not have insurance, so we pursued her own insurance. After 24 months at an examination under oath and after filing an insurance department notice of violation of statutes, we reached a confidential settlement in the amount of $100,000.00


Car Accident

Plaintiff was a passenger in the rear seat of a Range Rover. The Range Rover was rear ended with minimal property damage, client suffered rotator cuff tear, herniated disc requiring injections. Surgical repair of rotator cuff.

Take The First Step Toward Justice Today

Attorney Patrick Tighe at X1Law, P.A. understands that your recovery depends on a sound legal strategy. He works directly with clients to answer their questions and help them fight for the support they need.

To discuss your options in a free consultation, call 561-363-3947 or reach out online.